Monday, March 1, 2010

Day # 4-1/2 - 5 -- And a 1, and a 2, lets a take the A train. ..

I'm back -- finally! Rough couple days of busy-ness with lots to report.

Top on my list that I have to tell you all that I do believe this treatment has seriously impacted Andrew's brain. I walked in yesterday and was greeted by an in depth description and blow by blow of the Syracuse/Villanova game the night before. ( In case you missed it, Syracuse basketball team creamed Villanova in front of a rabid and loud Orange crowd of over 30,000 on Saturday) I was pretty scared. . . this from a man who has previously only had disparaging remarks for the sport of basketball, will not watch it with my father who is a fan, and has reported that he "would rather watch paint dry" than do so (Also has made fun of people wearing all Orange gear, although I am afraid to admit that) I quickly scanned the I.V. bags to see if there was any sign of orange in them as surely some strange had happened. I sat with polite smile on my face, gently nodding head in agreement while he gave me a complete post game wrap up with reports of stunning ball work and cool moves. He had an obvious command of all the names of the players (they all start with J except Andy Rautins, who he complimented for his control of the game).


Other aberrant behavior to report: A sudden obsession for the sport of Curling. Did you see that Switzerland vs. Sweden match? It was a real barnburner, huh! Wow!
Such action. He was mesmerized for hours on that one. The New England Journal of Medicine is sure to do their next issue on the healing power of watching grown men be really serious about sliding rocks around on ice and doing that annoying little sweeping stuff. A modern miracle!

Perhaps most disturbing is the new delight in the Lawrence Welk Show. I wasn't half way home before I got a text message on that one. "Lawrence Welk is on!!!" Do I turn around and go back to see if he was o.k. or just keep driving and pretend nothing odd is happening? What was the attraction? The Lennon sisters. Bobby and Barbara's dancing? The outfits?--probably the outfits. . .

Whatever, all these thing seem to all be doing to the trick. Except for a little grumpiness about being woken up all the time, he is emerging for the 96 hour chemo drip in good spirits. Not a lot of discomfort to report, still eating (although he's lost his taste for coffee), and able to take the dogs for a walk today after I sprung him out of the hospital this afternoon. So far, so good.

Better than me who somehow manage to piss-0ff the parking attendant at the hospital garage the the other night because I threw my license at her (its a long story involving not enough money and her terrible attitude and my short temper). She called in her 300 pound supervisor to protect her from me. (I'm not kidding). Who stood here being very big and saying nothing, while we finished our "transaction." It was a classic scene with cars piling up behind me. Myself doing everything to not jump out of the car and pull all of her red hair out of her head. Luckily police were not called. "Yes officer, I did assault her with my license, all 2 ounces of it. Yes it was a close call as it almost hit her body. Yes officer I promise I will not throw my license at anyone again--- even if they are particularly awful people."

I'll sneak in here a picture of Andrew from the hospital that I promised not to post -- but I will anyway because its funny --- which seems to be the theme of this night's entry. A sense of humor really does help keep it all in perspective and we seem to be keeping ours for the most part.

Andrew will be home now until he returns to the hospital in three weeks for another 96 hours of chemo, but he will get radiation every day for 7 more weeks. Thanks for all your emails and greetings that keep flowing in. . . He should starting checking his email tomorrow. . .if he can tear himself way from the Lawrence Welk Show.


  1. Hurray Andrew! I know the puppies are happy to have Dad walking them again. Hope you are comfortable and can also get the Lawrence Welk show on the home TV.
    Cin, thanks for your posts. They're so funny. Especially the "fight" with the parking lot attendant. What a hoot.
    Well, we love you both and wish we could be of more help. If you can think of a way.....?
    Love, Sue & Curt

  2. love ya sue. good to have andrew home and not have tubes hanging form him. he seems really good. all is well!
